Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Refining My Understanding of PLNs

Like Kuuipo, I struggled in trying to define a professional learning network (PLN) at first.  She shared her frustration in her blog last week where she stated, “ I literally was stuck on trying to figure out the differences between a PLN and a social media site.  It seriously seems to be the same to me!”  The lines were definitely blurred and continue to be, but I think the biggest lesson that I learned after our round table sessions last week is that no two PLN’s look the same and that is okay.  I have continually noticed in this program that we seek answers and instructions that are black and white, but when we are forced to play in the gray is often where we find the most value in the learning experience.  

Luisa mentioned how she felt her PLN has already been developed as a member of the OTEC program.  She stated, “my doctoral cohort, professors, and the COLT students that I am meeting are the collection of people with whom I have been engaging and exchanging information, and therefore the network I consider part of my PLN.”  I completely agreed with her statement, but also acknowledged that soon this will all be over.   I am approaching graduation in a year and for me it has been important to develop ways to stay current after this program is over.  Defining and building a PLN has been a very valuable experience that I believe will remain with me beyond the course of the OTEC program.

Finally, a quote by Nick summed up why PLN”s are about more than just learning and sharing when he stated, “members of an online community care about one another.”  I know this may sound cheesy, but I have had the opportunity to get to know a lot of great people through the OTEC program, including in this course.  Building these networks has allowed me to develop friendships which was an unexpected outcome of my “distance learning” experience.  There is no better way to end this post than with a video of  the legends Cecilio and Kapono singing the classic melody "Friends" because "we are friends, frie-e-ends."  Mahalo nui for another great course!  

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